Where could Opera prevail most if not in the hands of a talented bartender. Over the years, as the spirit world has changed, so has the cocktail culture. The 21st century is characterized by the spread of the ‘keep it simple’ principle, in the spirit of which our brand ambassador created our signature cocktail palette. Clean, elegant, just like drinks made in our home.
Opera Gin 60 ml
Opera Vodka 20 ml
Lillet Blanc 20 ml
Grapefruit Bitter 2 dash
Long night drink, sipping pleasure
Opera Gin or Opera Gin Barreled 30 ml
Campari 30 ml
Antica Formula 30 ml
Filthy Collins
Exclusively wicked twist on a classic Gin cocktail
Opera Gin 40 ml
Poppyseed Syrup 25 ml
Lemon 35 ml
Angostura Bitter 2 dash
Orange Soda Top
B Mary
Spicy yet refreshing
Opera Vodka 40 ml
Tabasco 4 dash
Worcester 6 dash
Tomato Juice 200 ml
Pepper 4 twist
Salt 4 twist
Oyster Sauce 25 ml
Should you have any questions, regarding sales partnership, promotion, events or anything else, please feel free to contact us, we will reply you sooner than later!